NEW JOB VACANCY- Science Tutor!

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What does Understanding Cover?

“Parents don’t always know best”
“School is not there to teach manners and basic life skills”
“How did I end up with a child like this?"

Distrust in schools and authorities can develop through previous generations’ experiences, resulting in students seeing no benefit in education. Time spent with families outlining the advantages of obtaining transferable skills is invaluable, resulting in students leaving school more confident of their future.  A sense of belonging, achievement  and hope for a positive, worthwhile future can all be gained by changing the perception of the young person as to the impact that their behaviours have on those around them. 

Parents are sometimes overwhelmed by the risks and lifestyle choices that their children face. There are arguably more concerning issues to understand and avoid now than ever before.  We deliver the information as a learning opportunity from an impartial perspective.

We offer exercises and discussion starters on the following topics:-

• Healthy lifestyle choices
• Social networks,
• Rights and Responsibilities
• Positive choices
• How to express opinions positively
• Perceptions 
• Respect for ourselves, others and our world
• Understanding the impact of behaviours
• Avoiding risky behaviours 

'If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be.  Now put the foundations under them.'

- Henry David Thoreau

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