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 Welcome to Ngaged Ltd!
A specialist alternative provision putting  students and families at the heart of bespoke education

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About Us

About Us

We offer the very best mentoring in Social Emotional Learning 

Through experience, extensive research and continued communication with our student and their families, we have established that there is a need for Social Emotional Learning to run alongside the young persons academic journey. We have created Ngaged Ltd. to fill that need and provide support for students who have become disengaged with school, family and the community.

Who We Are

Our programme of confidence-building,   engagement, guidance and support aims to offer young people an alternative to risky behaviour, isolation and failure. By focussing solely on their emotional responses and practical needs we can tailor the programme to the individual, without applying peer pressure and time constraints. Each  young person will  be  offered an individual, personally tailored programme to cover specific circumstances and expected outcomes.  This will inevitably evolve over the agreed time frame but is designed to be measurable and clear in its direction.     

Communication between the student, their parents, school and all authorities is also a vital part of the process and we offer effective liaison to ensure all parties are able to work together, in the best interests of the young person.  Safeguarding is of utmost importance and any concerns would be reported immediately following the session.

Our Expertise

• Many years working with students with challenging behaviours and their parents.

• Experience within the school, working alongside students, teachers, Welfare Officers and Attendance staff. 

• Thorough and up to date safeguarding courses undertaken. 

• Regular contact with all professional agencies and authorities. 

• Understanding of budget constraints and legal obligations to provide education and welfare.
• Efficient and punctual response with regard to meetings, deadlines and reports. 

• Knowledge of systems and processes relating to attendance, exclusions, penalty notices and EHCPs. 

• Familiar with all formal and informal meetings and procedures relating to children’s welfare, education and support.

• The ability to offer high quality, impartial Information, Advice and Guidance


Our staff are all awarded the Designated Safeguarding Children Level 2 certification as a minimum and are all on the DBS update service and have been recruited through the Safer Recruitment Initiative.  The Designated Safeguarding Lead is awarded the Designated Lead Safeguarding Children Level 4 Certificate.

Expert Team

Services will be handled and delivered by an experienced, reliable and efficient team of professionals.

 Quality Guaranteed

We provide a bespoke package tailored to the exact needs of the young person.  You’ll find the support you need to make sure that things run smoothly. We’re here to help you with any questions.  

  What does Ngaged Ltd represent?

 Click on one of the pictures below to find out more about each area of Ngaged Ltd.
" More and more, behaviours of children, youth, and communities are being classified as at-risk in societies locally and globally. Behaviours associated with the at-risk classification are aggression at home, school and in the community, underperformance and underachievement at school, and truancy. Acquiring social emotional competencies (SECs) is an effective way of diminishing and eventually eliminating these behaviours. Acquiring these SECs from as early as ‘pre-school’ acts as a protective factor against maladaptive and risky behaviours later on in life. Social emotional education, or learning, is the acquisition of five core skills: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, responsible decision-making, and relationship skills. As children and youth acquire these skills, they are better able to relate to self, others, and situations. These highly developed SECs can be seen in children’s enhanced academic achievement and performance, decreased incidents of violence, improved school attendance, and empathy. "
- Yvonne I Larrier - Every Piece Matters
“ By teaching children and youth social emotional competencies, there are noticeable improvements in behaviours and academic performance and achievement "
- CASEL, 2005

As a company, we are supporting Centrepoint as our chosen charity this year. They help homeless young people by sponsoring a room for them to stay. As a company we will be giving a donation towards the fantastic work they do.

For more information, please read-

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