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 Welcome to Ngaged Ltd!
A specialist alternative provision putting  students and families at the heart of bespoke education

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What does Nurture Cover?

Schools are judged by levels of attendance and absent students take a huge amount of time to visit, record and report on.  Schools are obliged to show that they have taken every possible measure to engage and include students who are on their roll and to investigate truancy.  This process is time-consuming and can sometimes be overridden by crisis management, particularly in schools with high levels of safeguarding concerns due to the cohort.  Improved attendance increases chances of Post-16 options and reduces anti-social behaviour within the community and  lowering the crime rate, both of which enhance the school’s reputation within the area.  Early intervention and continuity of support for parents and students builds stability in relationships between them and the school and reflects well on attendance reports.  Serious Case Reviews have shown the importance of close monitoring of vulnerable young people and accurate, chronological record-keeping of all actions.

Making education a priority in a vulnerable child’s life can alter their chances for adulthood.  Ensuring the foundations of their home life are more stable allows school and learning to become accessible again.

• Initial meeting with child and parent/carer to identify reasons for non-attendance.

• Create achievable goals to show improvement in attendance and engagement.

• To offer the opportunity to attend vital healthcare appointments which may otherwise be missed.  Dental, optician, medical and speech therapy/ed.psych and other appointments can make a huge difference to a child’s ability to concentrate and co-operate. 

• Self-care issues such as hair and dermatology can impact on esteem and behaviour.  Addressing these personal matters can allow young people to escape from their embarrassment and isolation.

'If you were born without wings, do nothing to prevent them from growing.'
Coco Chanel
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